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Asbestos in Your Home

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Guide to Asbestos in the Home

Homes built before the 1980s could expose homeowners, their families and others to asbestos possibly hiding in cement, floor tiles, insulation, walls and pipes. Our Guide to Asbestos in the Home can help protect you and others from exposure.

In the era of do-it-yourself home renovations, many homeowners are knocking down ceilings and walls, and tearing out floor tiles and old pipes. But in their efforts to upgrade and beautify their older homes, they might unknowingly be contaminating the air they breathe with toxic asbestos fibers.

Our Guide to Asbestos in the Home offers information about asbestos, its dangers, what to do if you suspect it’s in your home, the dos and don’ts when handling asbestos and other useful information to keep you, your family and others safe in your home.

Is Asbestos in Your House Dangerous?

Canadian chrysotile asbestos close-up
Close-up image of Canadian chrysotile shows the fibrous composition of the mineral and how easily the fibers can become airborne.

When residential construction products made with asbestos, a mineral composed of thin fibers, are damaged, those fibers become airborne. Asbestos fibers pose a danger to anyone who inhales them.

After years of exposure to those fibers, people may develop a cancer known as mesothelioma, which forms tumors on the lining of the lungs, abdomen or heart.

Quick Fact
Most asbestos-related diseases are diagnosed at least 15 years after exposure.
Source: American Cancer Society

Where Can Asbestos Be Found in Your House?

Diagram of Where Asbestos Can be Found in a Home
Asbestos use has declined significantly since the late 1970s, when the U.S. banned spray-on asbestos and several other uses. However, many older homes still contain asbestos.

If you have an older home, asbestos may be found in various building materials used in your house, such as paint, insulation and floor tiles. Many U.S. homes and public structures, such as schools, government housing and office buildings built before the 1980s, contain asbestos in:

  • Cement asbestos board siding/undersheeting
  • Asbestos roofing felt for shingles
  • Asbestos insulation around steam pipes
  • Some vinyl floor tiles
  • Textured paint
  • Asbestos-containing vermiculite insulation

While many residential uses for asbestos were phased out, it remains legal in the U.S. for more than a dozen applications.

Common Exposure Scenarios

Asbestos exposure in your home can occur in different ways: DIY renovation, drilling through drywall or replacing an old pipe. The following scenarios describe how homeowners can expose themselves to asbestos at home.

Loose insulation in a dark attic of an older home
Attic insulation in older homes may contain asbestos that could fall through ceiling cracks.

Attic Renovation

While remodeling the attic of his 1960s home, John found piles of brown pebble-like insulation. He decided to replace the existing insulation with new fiberglass insulation to save money in the winter months. He scooped the loose insulation into some garbage bags and installed the new material.

John had no idea that his attic was insulated with asbestos-containing vermiculite. By disturbing the material, he spread asbestos fibers in the air. John should have left the insulation alone and had it tested for asbestos before disturbing it.

Brake and disc of a ca
Older brakes and foreign-made brakes may contain asbestos.

Brake Dust in Home Garage

Ralph loves working on his 1965 Corvette Stingray. When his brakes started to squeal, Ralph wanted to replace them in his own garage. After removing the rear tires, he saw the brake drums were covered in dust. He banged the sides with a hammer and blew off the dust with an air compressor.

Because some brake components contain asbestos, spraying them with compressed air can release toxic fibers into the air. Ralph should have taken his car to the shop for service or wiped down the brake drums gently with a wet cloth.

Drywall dust and loose fibers
Drilling into drywall containing asbestos will release fibers into the air.

Drilling into Asbestos in Drywall

Erica recently won a painting at a silent auction and couldn’t wait to bring it home and hang it in her living room. She measured carefully and used a drill to install drywall anchors to keep the painting in place. The painting wasn’t level, so she had to drill a few more holes before it hung perfectly.

She had no idea her home was built with asbestos-containing drywall. When she drilled through the wall to hang her painting, asbestos fibers from the drywall escaped into her living room. Erica should have known about the asbestos in her walls and left it alone.

Broken floor tiles during a home remodel
Loose vinyl tiles can expose asbestos-containing adhesive.

Removing Vinyl Floor Tiles

Herman just purchased a 1950s fixer-upper in his home town, and his first project was upgrading the master bathroom. He decided to start by removing the vinyl floor tile. He removed the existing tiles with a scraper and installed the new tile.

Asbestos was a common ingredient in vinyl floor tiles in the 1950s. Using a scraper to remove the old flooring can release dangerous asbestos fibers. Herman should have installed the new tile over it.

Homeowner scraping popcorn ceiling texture in a house
Scraping a popcorn ceiling containing asbestos can be hazardous without proper masks and ventilation.

Popcorn Ceiling Removal

Janine was tired of the popcorn texture on the ceilings in her home, so she decided to scrape it off and repaint with a smooth finish. After putting on eye protection and a dust mask, she grabbed her ladder and got to work. After lots of scraping, a little sanding and some careful painting, she was finally done.

Many textured ceiling finishes, including popcorn ceilings, have concealed asbestos. Scraping off the popcorn finish released microscopic asbestos fibers that easily passed through Janine’s dust mask. She should have hired a professional trained in safely removing asbestos hazards.

Although it is the safest option, hiring asbestos abatement professionals can be expensive. However, before removing the entire popcorn surface, homeowners can scrape off a sample and perform home testing with a store-bought kit. Removing even a small piece for testing still requires protection, such as eye protection and an N95 respirator.

Insulated pipe being cut
Asbestos insulation around pipes is not uncommon, and cutting the insulation could disperse asbestos fibers.

Cutting Insulation on Pipes

When fixing up the basement of his late-1800s Victorian home, Brent noticed the insulation around some of the hot water pipes was starting to deteriorate. Not wanting to lose any heat efficiency, he cut the old insulation with a utility knife and replaced it with new fiberglass insulation.

Brent should have known that many older plumbing systems are wrapped in asbestos insulation. The insulation may have already posed an exposure risk before he started the project, but cutting the damaged material released even more fibers into the air. Brent should have hired an asbestos professional to seal the asbestos insulation.

What Can I Do About Asbestos in My Home?

If you find something in your home that you suspect is asbestos, don’t touch it.

Even if the material is in good condition, the best option is to leave it alone.

If the material appears damaged or future activities could disturb it, contact a trained and accredited asbestos professional. Limit access to the area until a professional can confirm the presence of asbestos.

The best way to avoid asbestos exposure is to be knowledgeable about the asbestos materials in your home, including their locations and current condition.

Bottom of a metal sink, covered in insulation made with asbestos
Asbestos-containing insulation on the underside of a metal sink to prevent condensation can become brittle over time.

How Can I Tell if a Material in My House Is Asbestos?

It’s extremely difficult to identify asbestos just by looking at it, so you need to send samples to a lab for testing.

Homeowners can collect samples and have them tested, but it’s much safer for you and your family to hire a trained asbestos professional for the job.

Search for “asbestos inspection” online to find a licensed expert in your area. The U.S. Department of Commerce offers a list of accredited asbestos laboratories online.

Buying a New Home & Asbestos Exposure

Buying a New Home & Asbestos ExposureDuration: 0:35
Watch: Learn what to look for when buying a new home to avoid asbestos exposure.

What Does Asbestos Look Like?

Asbestos ore in its natural form may appear in a range of colors, including white, green, blue and brown. When asbestos is processed it breaks down into fluffy fibers.

While asbestos in household products is not easily identified by sight alone, sometimes it is possible to see asbestos fibers embedded in damaged asbestos-containing materials.

Tiny asbestos fibers often end up in household products when asbestos is mixed with other materials, such as plastic or cement. When these materials are damaged, small asbestos fibers that look like fuzzy pieces of fraying fabric may be visible. However, seeing fibers protruding from a product does not mean it contains asbestos. Only testing can confirm the presence of asbestos.

How Much Asbestos Exposure Is Harmful?

In general, it takes a lot of repeated exposure to asbestos for related conditions to develop. It is rare for someone to get sick from asbestos products in their home, but it is possible.

Most people who develop asbestos-related diseases were exposed to asbestos at work for years. About 20% of heavily exposed asbestos workers end up developing a related condition.

Still, heavy short-term asbestos exposures have been known to cause disease. According to a National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health report on asbestos, “No evidence of a threshold or safe level of exposure has been found.”

Asbestos Safety Dos and Don’ts

If you own an older home, take every precaution to avoid damaging materials that may contain asbestos.

Even if a repair seems minor, you should hire a professional when asbestos may be present. Improper handling of safely managed asbestos can create an exposure risk where there was none before.


  • Avoid any contact with dangerous asbestos materials.
  • Take every precaution not to damage any materials that may contain asbestos.
  • Talk to your home inspector or real estate agent about any known asbestos risks in your home.
  • Only hire trained professionals for asbestos inspections, testing, repairs or removal.
  • If you are planning on a demolition, contact the appropriate regulatory agency in your local or state government.

  • Don’t saw, sand, scrape, drill or disturb materials that may contain asbestos.
  • Don’t sweep, vacuum or dust debris that may contain asbestos.
  • Don’t collect asbestos samples for testing without proper training.
  • Don’t perform any work on or near asbestos materials unless you’re trained and certified.
  • Don’t remove asbestos unless repair or concealment is impossible, and there’s a high risk for exposure.
  • Don’t dispose of asbestos materials with normal household waste.

How Do I Get Tested for Possible Exposure to Asbestos?

If you are concerned that you were exposed to asbestos, start by talking to your primary care physician. There is no test to determine if you’ve been exposed to asbestos, but there are tests to detect asbestos-related diseases.

Your doctor can order imaging scans that reveal signs of asbestos-related disease.

Asbestos-related conditions are difficult to detect, and not all primary care doctors have the tools and experience to diagnose them.

If you know for certain that you were exposed to asbestos, it is a good idea to seek annual screenings from a qualified lung specialist such as an occupational pulmonologist.

Most asbestos-related diseases are diagnosed at least 15 years after exposure.

Quick Fact
Asbestos is the No. 1 cause of mesothelioma.
Source: National Cancer Institute

How Much Does Asbestos Testing Cost?

The most popular testing method, Polarized Light Microscopy (PLM), can range from $20 to $100 per sample. Some labs use Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM), which is more expensive.

The cost of asbestos testing varies depending on the number of samples tested and the methods used.

DIY test kits require you to mail samples to an accredited lab, which may charge an additional fee that is typically around $40 for analysis.

However, if you collect samples, you can create exposure risks. It’s best to hire a certified professional. The total cost of labor can run between $350 and $600 — a small price to pay for peace of mind that the job will be safely completed.

Label of a do-it-yourself asbestos testing kit by Home Diagnostics
Do-it-yourself asbestos testing kits could become hazardous in the hands of a person not trained in proper asbestos handling.

What Happens if I Violate Asbestos Laws?

Any activity involving asbestos must follow U.S. Environmental Protection Agency regulations as well as any state asbestos laws. Some asbestos violations result in written warnings.

Others can bring criminal charges, prison time or daily civil penalties as high as $25,000 for each violation, depending on the severity of the infraction.

Hiring an Asbestos Abatement Company

By Uncategorized

Your Guide to Hiring an Asbestos Abatement Company

Hiring an asbestos abatement company, and not doing it yourself, is the wisest and safest decision when it comes to removing asbestos from any residential, commercial or public building. Asbestos abatement companies will properly test for the toxic mineral, follow strict regulations and processes, and carry the right abatement removal equipment to keep them, others and you safe from exposure.



Understanding the Dangers of Asbestos

Asbestos is dangerous because it’s a known carcinogen, and inhaling or ingesting it is linked to mesothelioma, asbestosis and other health problems. Although asbestos isn’t banned in the U.S., its use is limited. However, asbestos-containing materials (ACM) still pose a danger to the public because they were common building products in homes, schools and other structures built before the 1980s.

Asbestos abatement involves the identification, removal, repair and encapsulation of materials or products in a structure to eliminate the threat of exposure to toxic asbestos fibers. It’s best handled by a professional asbestos abatement company.

What is asbestos abatement?

What is asbestos abatement?Duration: 0:50
Watch: Senior Writer Tim Povtak explains what asbestos abatement is and why it is important to hire a professional.

Common Asbestos-Containing Materials in Buildings

Because asbestos doesn’t burn, it was used in many products to resist heat. The “miracle mineral” made these asbestos-containing materials valuable to the building industry.

Asbestos abatement of Roof Shingles & Siding
Roof Shingles & Siding
Asbestos abatement of vermiculite insulations, ceiling tiles & coatings
Vermiculite Insulation, Ceiling Tiles & Coatings
Asbestos abatement of popcorn ceilings
Popcorn Ceilings
Asbestos abatement of drywall & cement sheets
Drywall & Cement Sheets
Asbestos abatement of plaster, putties & caulking
Plaster, Putties & Caulking
Asbestos abatement of electrical switchboard panels
Electrical Switchboard Panels
Asbestos abatement of plumbing fixtures
Plumbing Fixtures
Asbestos abatement of pipe & duct coverings
Pipe & Duct Coverings
Asbestos abatement of thermal boiler & fireplace insulations
Thermal Boiler & Fireplace Insulations
Asbestos abatement of vinyl floor tiles
Vinyl Floor Tiles


Reasons for Testing a Structure for Asbestos

Before renovating or tearing down a building or home, the structure should be tested for asbestos because exposure to asbestos fibers may lead to health problems. Although asbestos-containing products are generally safe when left undisturbed, they become brittle over time and can crumble. But the popularity of do-it-yourself (DIY) projects has heightened possible asbestos exposure.

  1. DIY Remodeling Projects
  2. Natural or Manmade Disasters Disturbed a Building’s Structure
  3. You Own a Structure Built Before 1980
  4. Crumbled, Worn or Broken Asbestos-Containing Materials Found in a Building
“Too many times with asbestos, the hazards are underestimated. If there is going to be what I call a ‘dusty operation’ (sanding, sawing or breaking materials) in an older home or building, you don’t want to do that without having it checked [for asbestos] first. And leave abatement to the professionals.”
President of Environmental Management Institute, Indianapolis


Why Is Asbestos Abatement Important?

If damaged asbestos-containing materials are not properly removed by an asbestos abatement company, they can endanger your life and the lives of others who come into contact with asbestos dust, fibers or raw asbestos materials.

Fast Facts About Asbestos

  • Chest xray
    Inhaling or ingesting asbestos can lead to serious health issues such as mesothelioma cancer, asbestosis, pleural plaques and asbestos lung cancer.
  • Woman in hospital bed with doctor
    About 3,000 people are diagnosed annually with mesothelioma in the U.S. An estimated 10,000 people die annually from some type of asbestos-related disease.
  • Asbestos fibers
    Microscopic asbestos fibers are .01 microns thick (18,000 times thinner than a human hair).

Steps to Take if You Suspect Asbestos Contamination

The most important first step is to not touch the suspicious materials. Let a professional asbestos abatement company handle the job.


  • Keep Children Out of Area
  • Limit Activities in the Area
  • Call a Licensed Asbestos Abatement Company

  • Don’t Sweep, Vacuum or Dust Possible Asbestos Debris
  • Don’t Remove Suspicious Materials


Tips for Hiring an Asbestos Abatement Company

Asbestos abatement companies are not all the same. Some specialize only in asbestos abatement, while others offer environmental services, demolition services and general contracting services that may include abatement.

Within the U.S., asbestos abatement regulations vary from state to state and city to city, some extend beyond the federal laws that require Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) licensing.

Homeowners are not legally required to use a licensed asbestos abatement company, but it is strongly recommended.

Before hiring an asbestos abatement company, verify its qualifications. Find the one that best suits your needs.


Type of Asbestos Abatement Work

  • Class I asbestos work: Activities involving the removal of asbestos used to prevent heat loss or gain, surfacing asbestos-containing materials and those suspected of containing asbestos.
  • Class II asbestos work: Removal of nonthermal asbestos-containing materials such as wallboards, floor tiles and sheeting, roofing and siding shingles and construction mastics.
  • Class III asbestos work: Repair and maintenance operations of any asbestos-containing materials that will likely be disturbed. This is the type most likely used for removing asbestos.

Workers are trained in:

  • Pre-Asbestos Abatement Activities
  • Work Area Preparation
  • Establishing Decontamination Units
  • Using Personal Protection (Respirator and Protective Clothing)
  • Worker Decontamination Procedures
  • Safety Considerations in Abatement Area
  • Proper Handling & Disposal of Asbestos Waste


Asbestos Abatement Process

Asbestos removals

Abatement begins with a certified asbestos inspector who takes samples of suspected asbestos. Samples are analyzed at a laboratory to determine the extent of the problem. The asbestos removal can be complex and includes several site preparations.

Site Preparations for Asbestos Removal

  • Work area established.
  • HVAC and electrical systems disabled.
  • New electrical system installed to power negative air pressure units that avoid contamination of air outside work area.
  • Decontamination enclosure systems installed.
  • Seal openings with plastic sheeting and duct tape.
  • Wet wipe or use a vacuum with a HEPA (high-efficiency particulate air) filter on nonmovable objects to keep asbestos from becoming airborne.
  • Seal immobile items with plastic sheeting and duct tape.
  • Cover surface not getting abated with plastic sheeting.
  • Post warning signs that read: Danger, Asbestos, Cancer and Lung Disease Hazard, Authorized Personnel Only, Respirators and Protective Clothing Are Required in this Area.
  • Clean up using a HEPA vacuum.
  • Disposal requires asbestos-containing waste be sealed in leak-tight containers while still wet, then labeled clearly and taken to qualified landfills that have specific requirements for securing the waste and preventing fibers from escaping into the air.
  • Vehicles that transport the waste to the landfill have specific requirements and labeling instructions.


Common Asbestos Abatement Equipment

You may see these safety tools at the job site:







“You have to live with the legacy of the past, and the legacy here is all the asbestos is still in place. This epidemic is not going to end anytime soon.”
University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health


Asbestos Abatement Costs

Asbestos abatement is costly because of the federal regulations governing the process and protective measures taken to ensure the safety of asbestos abatement workers and the public.

  • Home inspection cost diagram
    Initial home inspection for asbestos
  • Sample asbestos analysis
    Sample analysis
  • Home inspection cost diagram
    Complete removal from an average-sized home
  • Commercial buildings
    Commercial buildings can become multimillion-dollar asbestos abatement projects. For example, before the collapse of the Twin Towers at the World Trade Center, estimates were $1 million per floor.
  • Covering asbestos with a protective barrier
    Encapsulating asbestos, which means covering it with a protective barrier to reduce any risk of exposure, can lower abatement costs. Discuss it with the asbestos abatement company before work begins.
“There are so many factors involved, but abatement can range from a few hundred dollars to a few thousand dollars. And if it’s a certain type of material, it can be tens of thousands of dollars.”
Asbestos inspector
  • Do Your Homework

    Now that you understand some of the intricacies of asbestos, the danger it poses to you and others, the importance of properly removing it from a structure and the costs involved, you are better equipped to make the right decision. Research asbestos abatement companies, ask for references and how they remove asbestos from properties. You, your loved ones and the general public will be far safer when the threat of asbestos exposure is properly eliminated.

Asbestos in Colorado

By Uncategorized

Asbestos in Colorado

While Colorado’s naturally rocky, mountainous landscape hosts many deposits of naturally occurring asbestos, most of the state’s asbestos threats stem from industrial job sites. Work settings such as factories, power plants, refineries and mines were among the state’s major asbestos exposure threats.

About Colorado

Industrial sites such as Conoco Oil Refinery, Oxnard Construction Company and Hudson Energy Company relied heavily on asbestos products until the 1980s. Asbestos insulation was a common component of these plants, which utilized the fibers to protect against fires caused by overheated machinery. Although asbestos helped reduce the risk of fire, it posed its own set of health risks to employees who handled the fibers.

If disturbed, the naturally occurring asbestos in Colorado also can cause illnesses such as mesothelioma and lung cancer. The Calumet Mine, Hecla No. 2 Mine and the CF&I Company Mine were all located on amphibole deposits, while mines such as the Dolores Co. Falcon Mine and the Iron King Mine in the Tomichi District were home to naturally occurring tremolite asbestos. None of these mines produced asbestos, but the mineral may have been disturbed during mining of the primary mineral.

In March 2021, the Denver Parks & Recreation department responded to damage caused by sledders that exposed asbestos in Ruby Hill Park. The park sits on top of an old landfill containing asbestos waste. Rather than walking to the top of the park, an estimated 200 cars drove to the top, which damaged sod covering the asbestos waste. The department said the sledders were likely exposed to asbestos, and that it will cost around $100,000 to mitigate the damage.

Colorado’s Occupations and Environmental Areas at Risk

Factory and plant workers in Colorado faced numerous occupational asbestos hazards. Some workers directly handled asbestos while manufacturing products such as roofing compounds. Other employees may have been exposed to asbestos while repairing high-heat machinery that relied on asbestos as insulation.

Colorado’s mining industry also placed workers at risk for inhaling asbestos. Miners may have inhaled asbestos while extracting iron, limestone, gold, coal or other natural resources from the ground. Asbestiform minerals such as ferrian winchite or asbestiform tremolite from Colorado’s Salt Creek vermiculite deposits posed additional health risk to miners.

Jobsites and Environmental Areas at Risk

Workers at Colorado-based companies such as the Centel Corporation, Schmidt Incinerators and Utilicorp may now face elevated risks of developing mesothelioma.

Other Jobsites with Known Asbestos Exposure:

  • Colorado Springs Public Utilities
  • Drive Train Industries
  • Hensel Phelps Construction Company
  • Poole Construction Company
  • Nixon Power Plant

Several types of asbestos and asbestiform minerals have been found in Colorado soil, including the Caribou Mine and the Monarch Occurrence in Boulder.

Additional areas where asbestos was present include:

  • Cree Camp
  • Milliken Occurrence, La Plata District
  • Sedalia Copper Mine
  • Sloan Diatremes
  • Snowy Range Mine


Western Minerals Company Plant

Between 1867 and 1990, Western Minerals Company Plant in Denver, Colorado, processed vermiculite ore for use in industrial applications. Some of the vermiculite received at the Western Minerals Plant was shipped by W.R. Grace’s Libby, Montana, vermiculite mine, where the ore was heavily contaminated with asbestos fibers. The Denver site processed up to 81,797 tons of this vermiculite, while three other unnamed processing plants in Florence, Lamar and Greeley processed up to 3,900 tons of Libby vermiculite.

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) took soil samples that revealed asbestos still remains in some of the Denver site’s soil, although the current owners have covered much of the soil with buildings and asphalt parking areas. The EPA determined that the site, which is now home to the Minnesota Corn Processors facility, is free from air contamination, yet employees during the vermiculite processing years may have been exposed to airborne asbestos.

Estes Power Plant

Estes Power Plant in Larimer County turned reclaimed river water into usable water as part of the Colorado-Big Thompson Reclamation Project. When the plant was constructed in 1950, asbestos was considered to be a prime insulator for the plant’s high-heat operations. As a result, many construction materials and equipment on site contained the fibers, potentially exposing workers whenever walls, tiles or machinery were roughly handled or repaired. The plant’s three generators may also have been insulated with asbestos.

In January 2011, the U.S. Department of the Interior requested bids from abatement companies to remove over 1,800 square feet of asbestos-contaminated plaster and 250 linear feet of chrysotile asbestos-laced HVAC duct wrap. Asbestos spray was also used on stabilizers and sheeting in the plant. The state estimated renovations to cost as much as $500,000.


Asbestos Lawsuits in Colorado

Colorado courts have presided over a number of asbestos lawsuits, including several filed against Colorado-based corporations. One such case was filed in 1986 against several corporations, including Harbison-Walker Refractory, one of the state’s leading fireproof ceramic and metal product manufacturers, and John Crane, Co., a prominent mechanical company. The former employees who had developed asbestos-related diseases after asbestos exposure at these work sites were awarded injury compensation.

The potential hazards of asbestos in schools also have led to lawsuits in Colorado. In 1984, the Adams-Arapahoe School district filed a claim against more than a dozen companies that designed, manufactured or sold asbestos materials used to build Aurora, Colorado, schools. Defendants named in the case include GAF Corp., W.R. Grace and Co. and Owens-Corning Fiberglass Corp. The district filed suit to recover the cost of removing damaged asbestos products that posed exposure risks to students and teachers.

Although jurors initially awarded compensation to the school district for the abatement costs, several defendants appealed the verdict. The decision was overturned when the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit concluded the school district failed to provide sufficient evidence that asbestos in its schools caused anyone to develop an asbestos-related injury. Despite the court’s previous decision that the defendants acted negligently, Colorado law requires claimants to prove physical damage to persons or property before filing a product liability case.

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